Leek Wootton, Warwickshire, England

Blacklow Hill

Blacklow Hill

The Gaveston's Cross monument is located on in the trees at Blacklow Hill, marking the spot where Piers Gaveston, favourite of King Edward II, was beheaded in 1312. A ghostly procession has been reported walking down Blacklow Hill, but the most common reported phenomena is the sound of bells tinkling. It is claimed that Gaveston's execution procession was ornately decorated as a way of humiliating him and his love of finery.


For further information, please read Britain's Haunted Heritage by J. A. Brooks.


Visitor Information

Leek Wootton is a village in Warwickshire, England.

It is located 1 mile from Kenilworth and 2 miles from Warwick.

Pictured left is Blacklow Hill courtesy of Robin Stott. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.